Chinese Drama DVD: Lao shi cuo le, chinese subtitles

Chinese Drama DVD: Lao shi cuo le, chinese subtitles

  • $20.00


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Complete Episodes

NTSC format

Chinese subtitle only

Region free dvd disk

Zhang Ting played as a couple of twins who are both teachers. The elder sister Shuangshung is in Taiwan with her father, while the younger sister Duidui is in Xiamen with her mother. The twins are seperated from each other for more than 20 years. Shuangshuang is extroverted, while Duidui is introverted.
One day Shuangshuang met Duidui on Internet, so she couldn't wait to go to Xiamen. Then the twins met each other. Their mother could not bear to seperate from her elder daughter again, so they got a idea that Duidui went to Taiwan and Shuangshuang stayed in Xiamen. As they are twins, they look exactly the same, no one knows that they have changed their identity.
As their character is so different, they met lots of difficulties. They also need to take care of each other's boyfriend.........



林海(龐祥麟 飾)原在北京某大學任教,與妻子潘潔(王馥荔 飾)育有一對雙胞胎-雙雙、對對姊妹(張庭一人飾兩角)。文革期間,林海接到在香港經商的伯父急電:要他帶著妻小到香港避難。不巧岳母身體微恙,夫妻倆商 量由林海先帶雙雙走,等母親病癒,潘潔隨後就到。未料,局勢巨變,夫、妻、姊、妹竟因此兩地相隔二十幾年未再見面。

伯父的生意漸漸由香港轉到台灣,林海也帶著雙雙飛到高雄定居。從此,一家人只得台灣、大陸兩岸隔海遙望,期待再相聚。後來林海與他的秘書李美賢(白冰冰 飾)再婚,而潘潔三十年來含辛茹苦,養育對對直到大學畢業,終未改嫁,這也是夫妻倆一輩子都無法解開的心結。


時值暑假,姊妹倆又都是中學老師,認為時機恰當,雙雙乃趕辦台胞證,要帶高齡父親返鄉探親。無奈事與願違,在臨上飛機的前一天晚上,林 海因興奮過度,引發心臟宿疾,送醫急救。雖暫無生命危險但已不適遠行,林父堅持雙雙行期不改,速飛廈門探視母親。雙雙不敢違逆,只得獨自一人搭機從香港轉 機返鄉探親。母子姊妹見面自是恍若隔世。當夜,姊妹倆促膝長談,對對表達對父親的強烈孺慕之情,又得知他病重住院,當然心急如焚,可她是個教師又逢暑假, 短期內要辦赴台探親手續談何容易?於是雙雙突發奇想:認為既是同卵雙胞胎,何不互換身份,妳去台北照顧爸爸,我在廈門孝敬媽媽。